Why Summer Camp?

The Benefits of Summer Camp

Not only is summer camp fun, but attending summer camp has a positive effect on youth development. Studies have proven that children demonstrate gains in the areas of self-esteem, independence, leadership, social skills, and physical and thinking skills, and positive values after attending as little as one week of sleep-away summer camp. They learn to be confident and flexible. Kids become team players, even with kids who seem different from them. And those experiences stick with them for life.

Research shows that gains made at summer camp are largely maintained when a child returns home. Children recognize that they learned something new at camp or improved their skills. Parents report their children are noticeably more confident and have more self-esteem after attending camp.

The Benefits of Summer Camp

Diversity and Inclusion at Camp

Camp is also the perfect place to coexist with someone who might not look like you or come from the same background as you. At camp, children from different cultures and life experiences can learn cooperation and tolerance, benefiting from shared experiences.

In turn, the entire camp community is positively impacted by greater diversity at camp. Living and learning in a diverse environment—where individuals have deep exposure to people different from themselves—makes kids more compassionate and better equipped to make a difference in the world. A study from Teachers College at Columbia University states that “the benefits of diversity run in all directions and that “diversity makes us smarter.” The study goes on to state that: “Exposure to other students who are different from themselves and the novel ideas and challenges that such exposure brings leads to improved cognitive skills, including critical thinking and problem solving.” Attending a camp with greater racial and socioeconomic diversity better prepares kids to challenge stereotypes and their implicit biases toward people of different backgrounds.

Taproots' Commitment to Accessibility

At Taproots, we believe the powerful experience of summer camp is something every child deserves – regardless of race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. But in the U.S., summer camp is an opportunity largely reserved for children from well-off families. Nationwide, 80% of children attending summer camp are from middle- or upper-income families. Children of color and children from low-income families are greatly underrepresented at summer camps. We’re working to change that.

Taproots Commitment To Accessibility